My book CATATO AND FRIENDS is for kids 2 to 109! It's available directly from me. Feel free to contact me with any questions or comments.
copyright 2011 Renie B. Adams

"Let's create a Plantanimal breed.
A mix of parts is what we'll need.
Examine this oddball I call a 'catato'—
Look! He's part cat and part a potato!
A splendid example—to me so it
The first Plantanimal born in my
Freddy's Doubt
Professor Peach, the children's
Inspired them with her curious
"For homework this week,
you'll each create
Your own Plantanimal! Won't that be great?
And remember," she said to
skeptical Fred,
"Anything's possible in your
own head."
Pat's Apricat and Hippotato
"I'm giving Catato a couple of cousins—
An acrobatic apricat
And a hippotato who juggles hats.
We'll all gather by the dozens
To see their awesome act,"
said Pat,
"Can't you just imagine
Benny's Rutabeagle
Benny's baby beagle Ada
Chased and caught a
Ada was a naughty pup—
She ate the rutabaga up!
Then she became a rutabeagle,
And that made Benny have to giggle.
Freddy's Mixed Feelings
Freddy stopped at Ben's for a while,
And, in spite of himself, he had to
"Make believe is dopey
Yet I guess I have to confess—
though certainly silly,
Is still a great success!"
Russell's Brussels Trout
"Oh, dear," wondered
Russell, "I really wish
I could make a Plantanimal out of a
Troubled by doubt, his face in a
He thought it would never work out.
Then—suddenly—he heard himself
"HOW ABOUT A brussels TROUT!"
Peggy's PiggleS
When Peggy jiggled her piggy bank,
Out popped two dimes and
a nickel—
"Quite enough money to buy me
a pickle!"
Tickled pink, she thanked her bank,
Then had a hunch that made her
"A pig plus a pickle adds up
to a piggle!"
Freddy's Decision
Freddy puzzled, "How did Peg
think of piggles?
They're not real, but I'd like them
to be.
I'd take a pet piggle home with me—
OK! I'll make up my own Plantanimal!
I'll try very hard to think of one
That's really real and lots of fun."
Mary's Raspbear and Bluebear
A berry is a sweet little fruit,
But a bear is big and scary.
"Could I mix these two?"
mused Mary.
"A raspbear would be very cute!
But I truly love the color blue—
So I'd love a wee bluebear, too."
Peter's Bumblepeas
Peter wouldn't eat his peas.
His puppy wouldn't either.
Mama said, "Peter, please!
No sweets until those peas are
So he wished that they were bumblepeas
And prayed that they would fly from
Helen's Ottermelon
Helen watched her otter, Walter,
Flop in the river and float in the
"His tummy's so round and
plump," said Helen,
"I could turn it into a
Painting it green would really be
And Walter would be an ottermelon."
Paul's CowWiflower
Paul lived on a farm and helped his
Care for the cow and the
cauliflower crop.
Paul turned the words all around.
"Wow, what about a cowwiflower?
I've got to jot that down!"
Freddy's Worry
"I'm very worried," Fred
said to Paul.
"So far I've thought of
nothing at all!"
"Don't be worried," Paul
said to Freddy,
You're just not totally
A Plantanimal will come to you.
COWWIFLOWER agreed and said,
Artie's Artichick
An artichoke leaf looks like a
Which made Artie think about birds.
What idea would his thinking bring?
He started to play with some words.
Witty Artie, very quick,
Changed "-choke" and
hatched an "arti-chick"!
Nina's Llama Bean
Nina's mama served her lunch—
Lima bean soup and banana
"Look at this lima bean,"
Nina said,
"It's got four legs, a tail
and a head.
I believe it's turned into a llama bean—
The silliest thing I've ever
Freddy's Regret
Fred wished he'd thought of a llama bean.
He wished he could think of
Parsnips? Foxes? Mangos? Prunes?
Bats? Broccoli? Crabs? Raccoons?
"I think I just can't
think," thought Fred.
Nothing's possible in my
Freddy's Flamango
Fred finally stopped thinking and
rested instead,
And two fancy FLAMANGOS popped into
his head!!
He happily watched as they danced a fandango—
His heaven-sent mix of flamingos and mangos!!
His sister, Sally, who saw his show,
Teased, "Sorry, Freddy, but I don't think so!"
catato's Friends
All the Plantanimals met at school
And found each other uncommonly cool.
Each one so different, yet plain to see
They belonged to a special family.
All the children were thrilled at the sight,
And Professor Peach swooned with delight!